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The Impact of Internet Brand and Electronic Service Quality on the Customer Loyalty-The Case of PChome Online 林義庭、翁淑緣


Academic year: 2022

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The Impact of Internet Brand and Electronic Service Quality on the Customer Loyalty-The Case of PChome Online


E-mail: 9608169@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study examines the relationship between internet brand and electronic service quality that effects customer loyalty. In addition, the purpose of this study is to understand what internet customers want, and let the business know the focus of internet marketing.

This study is amid on customers that have ever shopped on Pchome Online to fill out questionnaires of survey. The survey period lasted from 2007/4/4 to the 2007/5/20 and had a total of 335 questionnaires returned. After deleting invalid questionnaires, the number of valid questionnaires is 226 with a valid returned rate of 79.4%. The results indicated that customers on the internet were mostly students (49.6%) and females (63%). On the customer loyalty, female consumers shopped more frequently than males, and consumers that had education levels below college were the majority. Functional service quality had no obvious correlation to customer loyalty. Website brand, website service quality, loyalty attitude and loyalty behavior were all positively related. Website brands have an effect on consumer loyalty attitude and loyalty behavior, but its effect can be intervened by website service quality.

Therefore website service quality is a major factor affecting loyalty attitude and loyalty behavior.

Keywords : Internet Brand ; Electronic Service Quality ; Customer Loyalty Table of Contents

中文摘要 ..................... iii 英文摘要 .....................

iv 誌謝辭 .......................v 內容目錄 ....................

. vi 表目錄  ..................... viii 圖目錄  ..................

... ix 第一章  緒論................... 1   第一節  研究背景與動機........

.... 1   第二節  研究目的............... 5   第三節  研究流程..........

..... 6   第四節  研究範圍............... 7 第二章  文獻探討...........

...... 8   第一節  電子商務............... 8   第二節  品牌的型態與購物網站個案 介紹..... 11   第三節  服務品質的型態............ 18   第四節  顧客忠誠度與衡量指標

......... 23 第三章  研究方法................. 26   第一節  研究架構....

........... 26   第二節  操作型定義.............. 28   第三節  研究假設..

............. 31   第四節  取樣設計............... 33   第五節  問卷設計 與回收............ 33   第六節  問卷測量工具............. 37   第七節  統計 分析方法............. 40 第四章  資料分析結果............... 42   第一節   樣本特性分析............. 42   第二節  網站品牌與網站服務品質與顧客忠誠度相關 分析....

............. 48   第三節  網站品牌與網站服務品質對顧客忠誠度迴歸 分析..........

....... 49 第五章  結論與建議................ 54   第一節  結論........

......... 54   第二節  討論與建議.............. 58 參考文獻 ..........

........... 63 附錄  研究問卷.................. 73 REFERENCES

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