• 沒有找到結果。

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Request for Research Interview: Xinya Primary School’s Chinese School-Based Module (Drama-in-Education)

Dear Mr ___

Greetings! I am a Masters student from the Department of Education, National Taiwan Normal University. I am currently doing a research on how primary schools in Singapore develop their Chinese Language school-based modules within the context of a national curriculum, with particular focus on curriculum decisions taken along the way and their factors of influence.

During my stint as a CL curriculum planning officer with CPDD back in 2006-2009, I had the privilege of being acquainted with Xinya Primary School's project in Drama-in-Education. Not only was it a novel approach in terms of Singapore’s CL pedagogy and curriculum, it was also an endeavour which sought to involve the participation of stakeholders from various fields, which provides both a strong impetus and a rich platform for the study of how multi-agencies work in tandem in the development of a school-based curriculum. I would therefore like to adopt Xinya Primary School's approach as a case study, and leverage upon the school's invaluable experience as a base for further research.

As such, I am writing in to request for your kind permission to enter the school for the following purposes: (i) observation (of relevant departmental meetings or discussions, if any); (ii) collation of relevant curriculum-related documents for analysis, as well as (iii) interview you and 1 to 2 select CL teachers. Should the school be willing to accommodate my request, I would be in Singapore from Aug - early Sep 2011 and could visit the school then. Please be assured that the interviews would be kept as short as possible, approximately 1-2 hours per interviewee, to be arranged at the school’s convenience.

To avoid interpretation errors or misunderstandings, the interviews would be recorded and noted.

However, please be assured that all interview content would only be used in this study and not published further. For confidentiality purposes, all sensitive information and identities would also be made anonymous.

Attached herewith is the main outline of the interview questions, for your reference. Thank you for your attention, and I sincerely hope that you would allow me the opportunity to document a part of how the school-based module has been developed as part of the primary CL curriculum, especially in terms of engaging education partners.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you!

PS: As I understand that some of the personnel involved in the inception of the CL school-based module have already left the school, it is also my intention to contact them for further interviews.

Besides that, as the contribution of the school’s external stakeholders (such as Master Teachers, curriculum planning officers, drama consultant, etc.) to the module is crucial to the study, I also plan to interview them in due time. Nonetheless, please be assured that existing school personnel and sustenance or changes to the module would also be important to the research.

Yours sincerely,

Mr Tay Yuan Zhuang Department of Education,

National Taiwan Normal University