• 沒有找到結果。


在文檔中 英國代理商制度發展之研究 (頁 135-152)

第四章 代理商條例施行後英國代理商制度之發展

第二節 僅保障狹義之代理商?


由於代理商條例對於代理商之定義,具有一定的限制性,因此限縮了某些代理商 契約適用代理商條例之機會。故儘管目前於此討論代理商條例具有何等保護代理 商權利之規範,以及代理商之地位被承認與提升等等優點,皆僅僅適用於某一部 份合於定義之代理商,於此姑且先不論其他代理人種類,是否亦能在與其委託人

305 SAINTIER, supra note 5, at 264.

間的關係中得到更好之權利保護,亦不論被代理商條例明確排除之代理人,僅以 代理商此專門職業來說,某些像是未揭露本人之代理商,或是從事服務交易之代 理商,或是所從事之活動未達媒介程度之代理商等,因未符合代理商條例中所設 之定義,即無法受到代理商條例之保護。此些相似職業之人,因不符合定義,即 受到此種差別適用法律之對待,是否於法合理,或合於現實中的公平,值得深思。

若狹義定義範圍內之代理商,確具有受保護之理由與法理基礎,則應思考者 係,其他不再代理商條例適用範圍內者,是否有較不受保護之理由。當然,實際 上的確會因具體運作情況之不同,而因此代理商所承擔之現實上義務與風險也有 不同程度,例如所從事者未達媒介之程度之代理商等;惟像是未揭露本人之代理 商,其所影響者,應僅為與第三人間之外部關係,關於代理商契約之內部關係,

應無不同之處;至於從事服務交易之代理商,更無被排除適用之理由。因此,若 前述契約中,代理商與委託人間之關係仍與代理商條例規範之代理商契約之必要 之點符合,則兩者本質上應為相同的;且於適用代理商條例之代理商中,亦有經 營良好,事業版圖與資產皆龐大者,其同樣有平等之適用,得受到代理商條例之 保護,則是否上述所舉之代理商,仍有必要被排除於代理商條例之適用範圍外呢?

或可認為由於代理商條例係非常嚴格遵守代理商指令對於代理商之定義的規 範,因此無可厚非,且以目前英國的現狀來看,法院對於其他代理人所適用之普 通法原則,仍持保守態度,並沒有因為代理商條例之施行,而改變相關普通法見 解,似仍對大陸法系之法理有所保留。然而,建議英國法院應可考慮於實際個案 判決中,透過類推適用、目的性解釋,擴大對其他代理商之保護,甚至延伸法律 概念之彈性,將相似法理也適用至其他種類之代理人之案例,使對代理人之保護 能更健全。畢竟因為代理商指令,大陸法系思想勢必被導入英國內,更應趁此機 會,對於普通法一般代理原則,甚至是擴及整個契約法原理原則,都一併進行檢 討與學習。



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2. 沈杰(2013),《美國特拉華州公司法對董事自我交易的規制》,華東政法大 學碩士論文。

3. 沈洵(2008),《域外代理商保護之法律制度研究》,上海交通大學碩士論文。

4. 林佳瑩(2010),《經銷契約法律關係之研究》,國立臺灣大學法律學研究所 碩士論文。

5. 許耀明(2008),〈歐盟國際私法上的公共秩序問題(上)〉,《政大法學評論》,

第 102 期,頁 31-32。

6. 陳自強(2006),〈從商事代理談民商合一與民商分立〉,《月旦民商法雜誌》,

第 14 期,頁 128。

7. 陳自強(2010),〈從歐盟及德國代理商法看我國民法之代辦商〉,《政大法 學評論》,第 113 期,頁 4-5。

8. 陳自強(2010),〈歐洲契約法發展之最新動向〉,《月旦法學雜誌》,第 182 期,頁 127。

9. 陳自強(2011),《整合中之契約法》,台北:自版。

10. 陳奕勳(2008),《經銷契約與銷售代理契約法律關係》,逢甲大學財經法律 研究所碩士論文。

11. 趙越(2013),《英美商事代理法律問題研究》,華東政法大學經濟法碩士論 文。

12. 劉榆華(2005),〈英國與歐盟—國家利益面對區域整合之調適〉,《競爭力 評論》,第 7 期,頁 51。

13. 潘華仿(1991),〈英國法對代理制度的規定〉,《中國政法大學政法論壇》,

第 1991:5 期,頁 48。



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1. Agentbase 網站,



2. Foxwilliams 網站,http://www.agentlaw.co.uk/site/case_summaries(最後瀏覽日:



附錄一 代理商契約範本 Sample agency agreements


1. Short sample agency agreement written from agent’s perspective

(This agreement attempted to avoid provocative clauses or those unlikely to be accepted by a principal. Some agents may have more commercial muscle and be able to negotiate better terms.)



(1) (principal’s name) (“Principal”); and

(2) (agent’s name), whose principal place of business is at (address)(“Agent”)

1 Appointment

Principal appoints Agent as its exclusive agent for the Products in the Territory listed on the Schedule and undertakes that for the duration of this Agreement.

Principal will neither sell nor market the Products in the Territory other than through Agent and shall not appoint any other agent for the Territory.

2 Best efforts: Competitive lines and other business

2.1 Agent shall devote its best efforts to marketing the Products and servicing accounts which carry the Products in the Territory.

2.2 Agent shall neither market nor sell in the Territory any products which compete with the Products.

2.3 Agent shall be given samples of the Products and marketing literature by Principal.

2.4 Agent shall pass all orders for the Products to Principal who shall deal with such orders promptly and ensure goods supplied are of satisfactory quality.

3 Commission

306 以下皆摘錄自 SUSAN SINGLETON, COMMERCIAL AGENCY AGREEMENTS: LAW AND PRACTICE, Tottel Publishing, 2005, second edition, Appendix 4.

3.1 Principal shall pay Agent a commission of the percentage set out on the Schedule on all sales of the Products in the Territory, whether such sale is generated by the Agent or not. Such commission shall be on the invoiced value, less VAT, charged by Principal to customers.

3.2 Commission shall be paid each month by the first week of the month on sales invoiced by Principal in the preceding month. Where a customer subsequently defaults in payment of any invoice where Principal is not to blame for such default then Principal may deduct commission already paid for such sale from the next commission due to Agent.

3.3 With each such monthly commission payment Principal shall send Agent a full commission statement showing all sales of the Products made to the Territory in the preceding month sufficient to enable Agent to check the commission due.

4 Term and termination

4.1 This Agreement is for an initial minimum period of two years and shall continue after unless and until terminated by at least one year’s written notice by one party to the other to expire on the third or any subsequent anniversary of the date of this Agreement.

4.2 On termination of this Agreement commission shall be paid to Agent on all orders received up to the date of termination and for a period of three months thereafter.

5 General

5.1 This Agreement is subject to English law and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English courts in respect of any dispute.

5.2 This Agreement replaces any earlier agreement or arrangement between the parties, verbal or written, and is the entire agreement between them. It may only be modified by written agreement of both parties.

5.3 Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent Agent from subcontracting its obligations under this Agreement nor from using a sub agent. Either party may assign all its rights under this Agreement to a third party but only with the prior written consent of the other party.


The Products are:

(insert details)

The Exclusive Territory is:


The Commission Rate is:


2. Sample agency agreement drafted from perspective of principal


THIS AGREEMENT is made the day______ of______


(1) (principal’s name), whose principal place of business is at (address) and Company Number ; [ ] (“Principal”); and

(2) (agent’s name), whose principal place of business is at (address) [(either- trading as or a limited company, Company No…)] (“Agent”)

1 Appointment

1.1 Principal appoints Agent as independent sales agent to represent and sell its products as constituted and notified to Agent from time to time (“the Products”) for the duration of this Agreement on a non-exclusive basis in the following territory:………...(“the Territory”).

1.2 Principal reserves the right from time to time on written notice to Agent:

(a) to alter the Territory;

(b) to exclude particular retail accounts within the Territory from this Agreement including (without limitation) where small accounts are taken over by large accounts and where a particular customer refuses to deal with Agent;

(c) to alter, increase or decrease the range of, the Products.

1.3 Agent undertakes not to appoint any assistant, sales representative or

sub-representative or otherwise subcontract or delegate its obligations under this Agreement, nor to assign its rights under this Agreement. Where Agent is a limited company Agent shall obtain Principal’s prior written consent before using any employee to undertake the obligations of this agreement.

2 Best efforts: competitive lines and other business

2.1 Agent shall devote its best efforts to marketing the Products and servicing accounts which carry the Products in the Territory. The Agent shall act in good faith in its performance of its obligations under this Agreement and take all due care and diligence in soliciting sales of the Products.

2.2 Agent shall not engage in any business which creates a conflict of interest with Agent’s obligations under this Agreement for the duration of this Agreement, whether directly or indirectly.

2.3 Agent undertakes not to carry any other lines of (specify) products, whether competitive with the Products or not, except with the prior written consent of Principal for the duration of this Agreement. Principal hereby gives permission for the Agent to carry the following:………

2.4 Agent shall attend such exhibitions at which Principal is present for the full duration of the exhibition as notified by Principal to the Agent at the agent’s own expense. In particular, but without limitation, Agent shall pay its own travel and accommodation expenses in relation to such attendance. Agent shall bring its current samples of the Products with it to such exhibitions.

2.5 Agent shall pay for samples of the Products as required by Principal.

3 Confidential information and trade marks

3.1 Agent shall not divulge, disclose or communicate to any person nor use for its own benefit any information concerning any matters affecting or relating to the business of Principal, including without limitation, customer names and order details, Principal products, technical and financial information and the terms of this Agreement and documents referred to in this Agreement (“the Confidential Information”).

3.2 Agent undertakes to return all Confidential Information on demand to Principal and forthwith on termination of this Agreement and in each case cease to use the same and not retain any copies of it.

3.3 Agent shall assist Principal in the registration of trade marks in the name of

Principal in the Territory and undertakes to inform Principal of any potential infringement of Principal’s trade marks or other intellectual property rights in the Territory.

3.4 Agent shall not register any trade mark, patent, registered design, internet domain name or other registered intellectual property right or company name in the name of “Principal”, any existing registered or unregistered trade mark of Principal, the design of any of the Products or any invention contained therein or in any other way arising from or related to this Agreement. Any goodwill which Agent accrues from the operation of this Agreement shall vest in Principal. Agent shall not be involved in any activity for the duration of this Agreement which may bring the trade marks or other rights of Principal into disrepute.

4 Sales manual: opening accounts: principal approval and orders: advertising

4.1 Agent undertakes to follow the procedures and requirements set out in, and

otherwise comply with, the Sales Manual of Principal in current version from time to time (“the Sales Manual”). (The current version is attached as Appendix 1. Principal reserves the right from time to time to update the Manual.)

4.2 All account applications solicited by Agent shall be subject to acceptance by Principal in its discretion, including without limitation where an applicant is a bad payer or has a poor credit rating or is a slow payer.

4.3 No orders from a prospective retailer shall be accepted by Principal prior to the approval of the account application and otherwise than where the procedures in the Sales Manual have not been followed.

4.4 All orders solicited by Agent shall be subject to acceptance by Principal. Such orders shall not be deemed finally accepted until shipment of those orders and Principal reserves the right to reject those orders at any time prior to

4.4 All orders solicited by Agent shall be subject to acceptance by Principal. Such orders shall not be deemed finally accepted until shipment of those orders and Principal reserves the right to reject those orders at any time prior to

在文檔中 英國代理商制度發展之研究 (頁 135-152)