• 沒有找到結果。

第四章 內線交易主觀要件之緩和與 RULE 10B5-1 之提出與

第三節 預定交易計畫抗辯事由之內容

綜上,本文認為針對內線交易之主觀要件採取「知悉說」之立場,並不特別 苛酷。當然,本文坦承知悉說之立場於某些事例中,確實可能有打擊範圍過廣的 疑慮,例如某些行為人知悉重大消息前已經確定會進行的交易,若因嗣後知悉重 大消息而取消,某程度將有害證券交易之發展。職是,立法論上將後述美國法上 之「預定交易計畫」之免責抗辯引進我國,作為緩和,應有必要性。基此,以下 將開始介紹預定交易計畫抗辯事由之具體內容及操作。

第三節 預定交易計畫抗辯事由之內容

第一項 美國證管會對免責規範制定之立場

2000 年 10 月,美國證管會為了解決前揭對於內線交易主觀構成要件的歧異,

修正了公開發行公司的揭露規則,並設立了 Rule 10b5-1,亦即內線交易禁止交易 的豁免條款,允許內部人透過是先決定好的計畫來進行交易,這種預先決訂好的 計畫的證明,可以供作行為人的積極抗辯(Affirmative Defense),學說上亦有稱


為安全港條款(Safe Harbor)。

美國證管會宣示他們的立場:「在我們的觀點,禁止內線交易的目的 ,為了 保護投資人及證券市場的健全(the integrity of securities markets) 最好是以一個 較接近的“知悉”的標準(the "knowing possession" standard),而不是“利用”(the

"use" standard)的標準。同時,我們認知到,完全採取基於知悉標準,或以認識 為基礎之標準,在某些方面可能過於寬泛。這個新規則企圖平衡這個需要被重視 的點,透過知悉重大非公開消息之一般規則,附帶幾個仔細列舉的積極抗辯。這 種方法將更能讓內部人及發行人依法行事。」89

美國證管會指出,雖然許多關於 Rule 10b5-1 的評論者支持證管會在內線交 易法律領域所提出的更清晰的目標(greater clarity in the area of insider trading law), 並提出一些替代方法來實現這些目標。然而,學界共同的意見是,這個規則不應 該僅依賴幾個排他性的積極抗辯。學界意見建議,應該要重新設計積極抗辯,像 是非排他性之安全港條款(non-exclusive safe harbors)或添加一個概括性的抗辯

(add a catch-all defense),讓被告證明他並未使用資訊90

對此,美國證管會有信心的指出:「我們相信,我們提出的方法是適當的(We believe the approach we proposed is appropriate)」。在美國證管會看來,增加一個概 括性的抗辯或重新設計積極抗辯,像是非排他性的安全港條款,將會有效地否定 了法規試圖規範的清楚及確實。因為美國證管會相信,一個知悉的標準更符合內 線交易法之目標,所通過的規則採用了知悉標準與精心列舉的積極抗辯。不過,

89 From SEC, https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/33-7881.htm (last visited date:04/01/2014)

90 Id.


證管會也指出:「我們也某程度的修改這些抗辯,以回應他們是太狹窄或太嚴厲 的意見(we have somewhat modified these defenses in response to comments that they were too narrow or rigid)」。由此可知,美國證管會在宣示其立場之餘,也注意到 了學界對於積極抗辯條款過嚴的批評91

也因此,美國證管會作出回應:「最初所提議的積極抗辯產生相當數量的評 論。一些評論家認為積極抗辯限制太多,或者需要額外的抗辯以保護各種常見交 易機制,例如發行人的股份買回計畫(issuer repurchase programs)及員工持股計 畫(employee benefit plans)。這些評論者指出交易者應根據有拘束力的契約、指 示或書面計畫指定的買入或賣出的價格、數量、及日期的要求,遺留一些在積極 抗辯之外一般性、合法的交易機制(some common, legitimate trading mechanisms)。 此外,部分評論者質疑最初的提案把價格限制(price limit)從特定價格的定義中 排除。考量這些評論,我們修改了積極抗辯以准許根據契約、指示及計畫所為的 買入及賣出。經由提供適度彈性給那些希望架構證券交易計畫及策略(structure securities trading plans and strategies)而不知悉有重大非公開消息的人,並且當該 人知道該等資訊時,無法對該交易施以任何影響(do not exercise any influence over the transaction),來回應評論者的憂慮。」92

美國證管會也針對那些認為證管會沒有發布 10b5-1 規則權限的學者作出回 應:「一些評論者主張知悉標準可能自內線交易案件中排除未必故意(scienter)

的成分,與證交法 Section 10(b) 的要求相反,因此我們缺乏權限發布該規則。這 些意見誤解該規則的目的和效果。」因為 10b5-1 規則只是用來只是用來解決在

91 Id.

92 Id.


內線交易案件中知悉說和利用說的問題。這個規則並未修改或解決其他方面已由 判例法所建立的內線交易法。未必故意(Scienter)仍然是證券交易法 Section 10(b) 及規則 10b-5 的必要成分,且規則 10b5-1 並不會改變這一點93

綜上所述,美國證管會認為於採取知悉說的立場之下,附加幾個列舉的積極 抗辯事由,最能符合內線交易的立法目的,且已慎重考慮過規則 10b5-1 的要件 如何設計。美國證管會並認為其對於 Rule 10b5-1 享有發布之權力,因為 Rule 10b5-1 並不會和上位規範有所抵觸。

第二項 Rule 10b5-1 之要件及效果

美國證管會所制定之 Rule 10b5-1,條文之主要內容翻譯如下94

(a)通則。1943 年證券交易法 Section10(b)及美國證管會之 Rule 10b-5 所禁 止之操縱行為和詐欺行為,除別有規定外,包括「基於」(on the basis of)有關證 券或發行人之重大非公開消息,違反對於發行人或該發行人之股東或為內線消息 來源之人直接、間接或衍生之信賴或保密義務,所進行之任何有價證券交易95


93 Id.

94 17 CFR 240. 10b5-1

95 (a) General. The “manipulative and deceptive devices” prohibited by Section 10(b) of the Act (15 U.S.C. 78j) and § 240.10b-5 thereunder include, among other things, the purchase or sale of a security of any issuer, on the basis of material nonpublic information about that security or issuer, in breach of a duty of trust or confidence that is owed directly, indirectly, or derivatively, to the issuer of that security or the shareholders of that issuer, or to any other person who is the source of the material nonpublic information.




(c)積極抗辯(Affirmative defenses)


(i)倘個人購買或出售證券可以證明下列情形時,則其購買或出售證券之行 為,並非「基於」該發行人或證劵之重大非公開消息而交易97






96 (b) Definition of “on the basis of.” Subject to the affirmative defenses in paragraph (c) of this section, a purchase or sale of a security of an issuer is “on the basis of” material nonpublic information about that security or issuer if the person making the purchase or sale was aware of the material nonpublic

information when the person made the purchase or sale.

97 Subject to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, a person's purchase or sale is not“on the basis of”

material nonpublic information if the person making the purchase or sale demonstrates that:

98 (A) Before becoming aware of the information, the person had:

99 (1) Entered into a binding contract to purchase or sell the security,

100 (2) Instructed another person to purchase or sell the security for the instructing person's account, or

101 (3) Adopted a written plan for trading securities;


102 (B) The contract, instruction, or plan described in paragraph (c)(1)(i)(A) of this Section

103 (1) Specified the amount of securities to be purchased or sold and the price at which and the date on which the securities were to be purchased or sold;

104 (2) Included a written formula or algorithm, or computer program, for determining the amount of securities to be purchased or sold and the price at which and the date on which the securities were to be purchased or sold; or

105 (3) Did not permit the person to exercise any subsequent influence over how, when, or whether to effect purchases or sales; provided, in addition, that any other person who, pursuant to the contract, instruction, or plan, did exercise such influence must not have been aware of the material nonpublic information when doing so; and

106 The purchase or sale that occurred was pursuant to the contract, instruction, or plan. A purchase or sale is not “pursuant to a contract, instruction, or plan” if, among other things, the person who entered into the contract, instruction, or plan altered or deviated from the contract, instruction, or plan to purchase or sell securities (whether by changing the amount, price, or timing of the purchase or sale), or entered into or altered a corresponding or hedging transaction or position with respect to those securities.


係本於誠信(in good faith)而訂立,並非作為迴避本規則禁止規定的一 個計畫或方案之一部分,始有適用107

107 Paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section is applicable only when the contract, instruction, or plan to purchase or sell securities was given or entered into in good faith and not as part of a plan or scheme to evade the prohibitions of this section.

108 This paragraph (c)(1)(iii) defines certain terms as used in paragraph (c) of this Section.

(A) Amount.“Amount” means either a specified number of shares or other securities or a specified dollar value of securities.

(B) Price. “Price” means the market price on a particular date or a limit price, or a particular dollar price.

(C) Date.“Date” means, in the case of a market order, the specific day of the year on which the order is to be executed (or as soon thereafter as is practicable under ordinary principles of best execution).

“Date”means, in the case of a limit order, a day of the year on which the limit order is in force.

109 A person other than a natural person also may demonstrate that a purchase or sale of securities is not “on the basis of ” material nonpublic information if the person demonstrates that:

(i) The individual making the investment decision on behalf of the person to purchase or sell the securities was not aware of the information; and


(ii) The person had implemented reasonable policies and procedures, taking into consideration the nature of the person's business, to ensure that individuals making investment decisions would not violate the laws prohibiting trading on the basis of material nonpublic information. These policies and procedures may include those that restrict any purchase, sale, and causing any purchase or sale of any security as to which the person has material nonpublic information, or those that prevent such individuals from becoming aware of such information.

110 賴英照,前揭註 39,頁 528 至 529。



3. 再者,行為人必須證明證券買賣的發生係依照原定的契約或計畫內容進行,


4. 此外,上開契約、指示或書面計畫須本於善意所訂定,如訂約目的係出於逃 避內線交易之規範者,不能主張此項抗辯。

5. 而法人或其他團體欲主張前揭積極抗辯,須證明決定買賣證券之自然人,於 交易時不知有內線消息,且該法人或團體設有適當的內部控制機制,確保決 定為買賣之人,不會違反內線交易之規範,這些機制包括對可能知悉內線消 息者,限制其交易行為,或對於為證券交易者,防止其知悉內線消息。

另須特別說明者,依上開規定,契約、指示或計畫,在內部人知悉內線消 息之前,並非不能為修改,但在獲悉內線消息後,則不能任意變更交易條件。

而內部人於知悉重大非公開消息後,倘若暫停賣出或買進,依前揭規範,原則 上不成立內線交易。


(Companies and executives are not required to publicly disclose the existence or terms of Rule 10b5‐1 plans)111。於 2002 年 4 月時,美國證管會雖提議內部人運用該規 則之交易計畫,須經 Form8-k 表格強制公開(mandatory disclosure)112,建議公開

111 William F. Sullivan, Peter M. Stone, Thomas A. Zaccaro and Morgan J. Miller, The SEC Targets 10b5-1 Plans–Ten Things Executives and Boards Should Be Doing, available at

http://www.paulhastings.com/assets/publications/801.pdf (last visited date:05/01/2014).

112 SEC Release No.33-8090, Proposed Rule: Form 8-K Disclosure of Certain Management Transactions.


的內容則包括公司董事或主管們的名字(name)和職銜(title)、開始交易計畫 的日期(date),及契約的描述(description of the contract),包括持續的期間

的內容則包括公司董事或主管們的名字(name)和職銜(title)、開始交易計畫 的日期(date),及契約的描述(description of the contract),包括持續的期間