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A Study on the Relationships among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for Taiwan Financial Hold 洪志宏、賴文魁


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on the Relationships among Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty for Taiwan Financial Hold


E-mail: 9315870@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The thesis is investigated the influence and relationship of service quality, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty of life insurance companies under Financial Holding Company by questionnaires. The conceptual framework is based on Storbacka, Strandvik, & Gronroos’s “A Relationship Profitability Model”. The design of this questionnaire is based on Likert’s five points scale analysis. We use Cronbach’ α to examine the reliability of constructs. We analysis 189 qualified pcs with SPSS, and

LISREL, that received from 400 questionnaires pcs. The major results of this study are: 1. The positive impact of service quality on customer satisfaction implies that the more service quality life insurance offers, the better customer satisfaction will be. 2. Customer satisfaction indeed has a significantly positive impact on relationship strength and customer loyalty in life insurance. 3. Customer satisfaction makes positive outcome with commitment. 4. Bonds makes positive outcome with relationship strength.

Keywords : Financial Holding Company ; Service Quality ; Customer Satisfaction ; Customer Loyalty Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 授權頁 iii 中文摘要 iv 英文摘要 v 誌謝 vi 目錄 vii 圖目錄 x 表目錄 xi 第一章 緒

論...1 1.1 研究背景與動機...1 1.2 研究目的...3 1.3 研究 流程...4 1.4 研究對象與範圍...5 1.5 研究限制...5 第二章 文 獻探討...6 2.1 我國金融控股公司與壽險商品相關文獻...6 2.1.1 我國金融控股公司型

態...6 2.1.2 金融控股公司對我國金融業之影響...7 2.1.3 保險業的商品介紹...11 2.2 服務品質理論...15 2.2.1 服務品質的定義...15 2.2.2 服務品質的觀念性模

式...17 2.2.3 服務品質之衡量...20 2.3 顧客滿意度理論...26 2.3.1 顧客滿 意度的定義...26 2.3.2 顧客滿意度衡量...29 2.4 顧客忠誠度...30 2.4.1 顧客忠誠度的定義...30 2.4.2 顧客忠誠度的衡量...32 2.5 服務品質、滿意度、關係 強度和忠誠度關係之探討...33 2.5.1 服務品質和顧客滿意度之關係...33 2.5.2 顧客滿意度與關係強

度...37 2.5.3 顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的關係...40 第三章 研究方法...43 3.1 研究架構...43 3.2 研究假說...44 3.3 操作性定義...46 3.4 研 究設計...50 第四章 實證分析...55 4.1 樣本結構分析...55 4.2 信度與效度之分析...59 4.3 敘述性統計分析...66 4.4 T檢

定...75 4.5 因素分析...76 4.6 線性方程模式檢驗...82 4.7 單 因子變異數分析...91 第五章 結論與建議 ...107 5.1 結論...107 5.2 建議...113 參考文獻...116 附錄...129 REFERENCES

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This study aims to explore whether the service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on the organizational performance of the services and whether the

Service quality, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are also different while people used Taipei Smart Card in different situation.. We suggest that the Taipei Smart

A model of service quality perceptions and health care consumer behavior. Measurement and evaluation of satisfaction processes in