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A Study on Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty on the Service Contents of Online Game and Brand Image 寇榮德、封德台


Academic year: 2022

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A Study on Impact of Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty on the Service Contents of Online Game and Brand Image


E-mail: 9418188@mail.dyu.edu.tw


Information technology equipments, such as wide band, etc. are popularized day by day now. At the same time, the development of the online game is expanded, and online game players have increased. The developing direction of every online game, game service content, and marketing strategy may not necessarily agree with each player. Because of that, how to keep players in the game, how to increase the motive that the player participates in the game, and how to improve player''s satisfaction and loyalty to the game should be a subject that must be discussed and studied. Accounting to the study, online game playing has become one of people’s pastimes. If online game company wants to get most of the customers to play the game, they have to obtain customers'' participation and motive. In this competitive online game market, online game companies try to gather new customers and obtain old customers by improving their customer services and satisfaction, and developing new design. They also attempt to build up an excellent brand image; but how about the effect? There is a certain degree of relationship between concept of loyalty and measurement of customer satisfaction. But their relationship is not definitely. So, we don’t want to misunderstand that customer’s satisfaction is equal to customer’s loyalty. Because of that, we consider loyalty as individual and try to evaluate it separately. This study is analyzed by mass questionnaire investigation using SAS statistics software. In the conclusion of analysis, there are the dependence between the motive of playing game, online game service, game brand image, and satisfaction of players. Also, the customer satisfaction and customer loyalty are positively correlative.

Keywords : motive, player motive, service, image, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 1.1研究背景與動機………..1 1.2研究目的………

………..3 1.3研究方法與流程………..4 1.3.1研究方法………

……….4 1.3.2研究流程……….4 1.4研究範圍………

………..6 1.5章節架構………..6 第二章 文獻探討 2.1電子遊戲相關 研究………..7 2.1.1遊戲的定義……….7 2.1.2電子遊戲 類型………10 2.1.3線上遊戲的成長………..………..17 2.2線上遊戲參 與遊戲動機的研究……….19 2.3線上遊戲產品服務內容的研究……….21 2.3.1服務的定 義與特性………21 2.3.2服務內容的定義與特性………22 2.4線上遊戲品 牌形象的研究……….24 2.4.1形象的定義………25 2.4.2品牌形象 的定義………25 2.4.3品牌形象的分類………26 2.4.4品牌 形象的特性………28 2.4.5衡量品牌形象的方法………32 2.5顧客滿 意度的研究……….34 2.5.1滿意度的定義………35 2.5.2滿意 度的相關理論………37 2.6顧客忠誠度的研究……….39 2.6.1忠誠 度的定義………39 2.6.2忠誠度的衡量………40 第三章 研 究方法 3.1研究架構……….42 3.2研究假設………

…….43 3.3問卷設計……….44 3.3.1線上遊戲的參與遊戲動機………

……45 3.3.2線上遊戲的產品服務內容………..………..47 3.3.3線上遊戲的遊戲品牌形象………

……48 3.3.4線上遊戲的顧客滿意度………49 3.3.5線上遊戲的顧客忠誠度………

……50 3.4研究設計與研究對象……….51 3.4.1問卷預試………

……52 3.4.2正式問卷調查………52 3.5資料分析方法………

…….52 3.5.1描述性分析………52 3.5.2信度分析………

……52 3.5.3相關分析………53 3.5.4迴歸分析………

……53 第四章 資料分析結果 4.1研究樣本基本資料分析……….54 4.2各研究變項衡量信度、敘述 統計及簡單相關分析……….56 4.3各研究變項間的關聯性……….56 4.3.1以迴歸分析驗證研究假說

………56 4.3.2探討研究變項間的其他關係………59 第五章 結論與討論 5.1研究結論


……….62 5.2研究意涵……….63 5.3研究限 制……….65 5.4未來研究建議……….65 參考文獻

………67 附錄………79 REFERENCES

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(1)The service quality has positive direct effect on customer satisfaction;(2)The customer satisfaction has positive direct effect on customer loyalty; (3)The trust has