• 沒有找到結果。

第二章 美國律師離職規範體系

第一項 99- 414 號倫理意見

四、 本文簡評

關於事務所方之通知義務人,本文認為 2007-300 號見解較為妥當。因為若採 99-414 號倫理意見之見解─通知義務人為「事務所負責之成員」,會產生如上開 Kentucky Bar Association v. An Unnamed Attorney309案之難題,此對現當事人失卻保 障(因為少了一通知義務人)。認為「事務所」,而非其「負責之成員」為義務人,除 了避免上述情況外,亦免除了認定到底對該案件接觸到何種程度,才構成「負責之 成員」之困難。

第四項 通知內容

關於離職通知之內容,99-414 號意見指出,重點在於強調當事人有選擇律師之 權利。依 99-414 號倫理意見,重點在於不得促使當事人斷絕與律師事務所之關係,

但得指出自己有意願以及能力繼續負責案件、另外亦必須指明該當事人有權選擇何 人替其完成或繼續法律服務之絕對權利、不得誹謗原事務所310。另外為了協助當事 人選擇律師權,律師做了離職通知後,若當事人進一步要求律師提供其他關於新事 務所資訊,例如收費、新事物所之資源等,離職律師應該提供之311。2007-300 號聯 合意見亦贊同 99-414 號意見之見解312

306 JOINT OP. 300, supra note 50, at 5-6.


308 “Many lawyers practice as partners, members, or associates of law firms (see § 9(1)). When a client retains a lawyer with such an affiliation, the lawyer's firm assumes the authority and responsibility of representing that client, unless the circumstances indicate otherwise.” Id.

309 Kentucky Bar Association, 205 S.W.3d 204.

310 ABA FORM OP. 414, Supra note 274-75.

311 ABA FORM OP. 414, Supra note 278.

312 JOINT OP. 300, supra note 50, at 13.

至於實際離職通知信函之撰寫,或許可以參考 1980 年之 1457 號非正式倫理意 見中被美國律師協會認可之信函。該封信函之具體內容為:

「親愛的當事人: 自 O 年 O 月 O 日起,我已從 ABC 事務所離職,成為此城市 XYZ 事務所之正式合夥律師。此一決定不能被解釋為對原事務所有任何不利。此一 決定單純僅是商業界或專業生涯中偶爾會發生的情況之一。我僅想確保我的離職對 於身為我當事人之您將無任何不利。對於我手中您事件之處理,以及未來將由何人 處理,決定權全權在您,且無論您的決定為何,都是決定性的313。」

第五項 通知時點

99-414 號倫理意見指出,應「及時」通知現當事人314,此包括在離職前(即將離 職意思告知事務所前)就先通知現當事人315。惟關於離職通知之時點,其實存在爭議。

一、 1457 號非正式倫理意見

1980 年美國律師協會作出非正式倫理意見第 1457 號。本意見認為,離職後才 可通知。

本意見之背景事實為,一律師從事務所離職,並且打算將離職通知信函寄給現 尚進展中、由其負直接責任之案件之當事人。該律師詢問美國律師協會倫理委員會,


美國律師協會認同了該信函之合法性,並指出若一封寄給當事人之合法離職通 知信函符合:(a)用寄送方式;(b)寄給離職前一刻與該律師存在律師─當事人關係之 當事人;(c)通知內容與離職前一刻該律師對其負直接專業責任之進展中事件有關

;(d)離職後及時寄送;(e)內容未促使當事人斷絕與該事務所之關係,且未推薦當事 人委任該律師(惟可指出律師有意願繼續負責該事件);(f)清楚表明當事人有權決定 由誰繼續或完成其案件;(g)通知簡明扼要、莊重,未誹謗原事務所,則是合法的316

313 Informal Op. 1457, supra note 219 (The content of the letter reads as follow: “Dear [Client]: Effective [date], I became the resident partner in this city of the XYZ law firm, having withdrawn from the ABC law firm. My decision should not be construed as adversely reflecting in any way on my former firm. It is simply one of those things that sometimes happens in business and professional life. I want to be sure that there is no disadvantage to you, as the client, from my move. The decision as to how the matters I have worked on for you are handled and who handles them in the future will be completely yours, and whatever you decide will be determinative”).

314 參見前揭註282。

315 “ Today we reject any implication of Informal Opinions 1457 or 1466 that the notices to current clients and discussions as a matter of ethics must await departure from the firm. ” ABA FORM OP. 414 supra note 38, n.11.

316 Informal Op. 1457, supra note 219 (“ (a) the notice is mailed; (b) the notice is sent only to persons with whom the lawyer had an active lawyer-client relationship immediately before the change in the


二、 99-414 號倫理意見


包括給予「及時」之通知317,揚棄了上開第 1457 號意見認為應在離職後才能通知現 當事人之見解。不過,儘管離職前即可通知當事人,本意見指出應採事務所受僱律 師聯合通知之方式。可見本意見認為,受僱律師仍應在通知事務所後,才與事務所 一同通知當事人。

三、 2007-300 號聯合意見

關於此一問題,2007-300 號聯合意見贊同 99-414 號意見之見解,認為應離職前 通知。此外其進一步指出,若無例外,仍應先告知事務所離職意思後再通知當事人。

2007-300 號聯合意見則指出,「原則」上應先將離職意圖告知原事務所,再對 現當事人作通知,因為此較能降低為反忠實義務之可能性。況且,通知事務所後,

再去通知現當事人,並不違反專業行為模範規則第 1.4 條及時通知之要求318。不過,

若有例外,律師得先通知現當事人。例外之情形為何?其指出,即當律師認為若先通 知事務所,將導致律師事務所會採取例如禁止律師進入辦公室、禁止律師接觸案卷、

電腦系統等等妨礙當事人選擇律師權利之措施時319。 四、 論者意見


lawyer's professional association; (c) the notice is clearly related to open and pending matters for which the lawyer had direct professional responsibility to the client immediately before the change; (d) the notice is sent promptly after the change; (e) the notice does not urge the client to sever relationship with the lawyer's former firm and does not recommend the lawyer's employment (although it indicates the lawyer's willingness to continue his responsibility for the matters); (f) the notice makes clear that the client has the right to decide who will complete or continue the matters; and (g) the notice is brief, dignified, and not disparaging of the lawyer's former firm” ).

317 參見前揭註 282。

318 JOINT OP. 300, supra note 50, at 9 (“After notification to the old firm, the risk of claims of breach of fiduciary duty is considerably lessened. Moreover, recognizing that in most cases client notice should not precede notice to the old firm still permits the departing lawyer to comply with the lawyer’s duty of communication to the client under Rule 1.4(a)”)

319 Id. (“Our prior opinion did not describe the circumstances that might allow notification of clients prior to notification of the old firm. One such circumstance that might be imagined, however, would involve a departing lawyer’s reasonable fear that the old firm, upon receiving notice of the lawyer’s intended departure, would take preemptive action, such as locking the lawyer out of the firm’s offices and depriving the lawyer of access to documents and the firm computer systems, which would disable the lawyer from serving clients desiring and in need of her services during the transition phase.”)


論者指出,通知時點,不應在將離職意思通知事務所以前。其指出,若觀察本 文前述提及之 Graubard, Mollen, Dannett & Horowitz v. Moskovitz 320案,法院在判決 中有提到:「原則上,離職合夥人離職前秘密的『招攬』當事人─是得以被懲罰的。

因為此種行為逾越了保護當事人選擇律師之權利所必要,而且徹底損害了另一重要 之價值─合夥人對於其他合夥人之忠實義務321」。雖然被告等堅持其行為適當,僅為 適當通知現當事人之行為,惟原告卻舉證認為其有招攬行為而構成應被禁止之競爭 當事人行為,故本案是有爭議存在的,不過為了保險起見,通知現當事人之時點,

最好與通知事務所同時,或者應該在通知現當事人以後322。 五、 小結

關於離職通知時間點之問題,非正式倫理意見第 1457 號已被揚棄,故應在離開 事務所前就通知當事人。惟,究竟應否「同時」或在「通知事務所以後」通知當事 人,目前仍無定論。

第六項 通知方式 一、 99-414 號倫理意見

依本意見,原則聯合書面通知;例外預期事務所不願意時單獨書面通知。關於通 知方式,99-414 號意見一開始雖然指出:「若律師有告知當事人其選擇律師之權利、

並未對事務所加以誹謗、又未為詐欺或不實陳述…對現當事人『當面或用電話』作 離職通知,並無違反倫理規範之規定323。」,對於現當事人之通知方式,似不限書面,

可用當面或電話為之。不過,若其後又指出,為了保護當事人之利益,最好由律師 事務所或離職律師聯合書面通知當事人324,而若該離職律師預期事務所不會願意聯 合做通知時,仍應單獨用書面通知當事人,以留下紀錄證明符合第 7.1 條及第 7.3 條之規定325

依本意見,原則上應該聯合書面通知,書面之理由在於留下紀錄證明通知內容 有符合第 7.1 條及第 7.3 條之規定。例外情況下,則指「預期」事務所不會願意依同 通知時,此時可單獨書面通知。

320 Graubard, Mollen, Dannett & Horowitz v. Moskovitz, 86 N.Y.2d 112 (1995).

321 Id. at 1183.

322 See Jonathan R. MacBride & David J. Samlin, supra note 295, at 13.

323 參見前揭註 279。

324 參見前揭註 280。

325 參見前揭註 281。

二、 2007-300 號聯合意見

本意見則認為,原則聯合書面通知;例外預期事務所會為妨礙當事人選擇律師 權利之具體措施時,單獨書面通知。

本意見同 99-414 號倫理意見之見解,認為原則上應該聯合書面通知,例外情況 下則單獨書面通知。其指出,雖對現當事人無招攬方式之限制,故通知方式亦應無 限制;惟不論聯合通知,或聯合通知不可行,而事務所和律師履行單獨通知之義務 時,皆應以書面為妥當326

書面通知之理由,除了同前述 99-414 號倫理意見,書面有紀錄可循外327,其補 充,就離職律師而言,因為在離職前對現當事人作通知,涉及競業禁止之忠實義務,


此外,本意見舉例可單獨書面通知之情形如:預期律師事務所會採取例如禁止 律師進入辦公室、禁止律師接觸案卷、電腦系統等等妨礙當事人選擇律師權利之措 施時329

三、 論者意見



論者亦贊同上開 99-414 號倫理意見、2007-300 號聯合意見之見解。認為為了避 免爭議,較謹慎之作法應該書面聯合通知330。而就例外可單獨書面通知之情況,可

326 JOINT OP. 300, supra note 50, at 10 (“As we noted in our prior opinion, there is no ethical prohibition against the departing lawyer’s giving notice to current clients… in person or by telephone…Nonetheless, because of the importance of the obligation to communicate with clients affected regarding the lawyer’s departure and the fiduciary obligations associated with the departing lawyer’s providing such notice while still associated with the old firm, as a best practice we urge that at least the initial notice be given in writing.”) 未區分聯合或單獨通知,皆應用書面。

327 Id. at 11(“A writing will provide a record of the communication”).

328 Id. at 12 (“ To avoid any risk of exposure to claims of breach of duty arising from unilateral communications with clients, while at the same time seeking to assure that the clients receive appropriate

328 Id. at 12 (“ To avoid any risk of exposure to claims of breach of duty arising from unilateral communications with clients, while at the same time seeking to assure that the clients receive appropriate