• 沒有找到結果。

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第叁章 研究方法

本研究以「資訊搜尋之成本與利益模式」為基礎,探討極大化程度對消費者 資訊搜尋行為與態度的影響。研究共分為兩大部份:研究一首先探討認知需求、


接著遴選出受測族群有購買經驗之四項產品,並在這四項產品之下各列出六種屬 性與量化規格,請受測者評估個人在選購這些產品時,這六個屬性在選購時的考 量重要度與各屬性規格的評價,藉此得知不同極大化程度受測者在購買這些產品 時的挑選機制與對屬性要求標準。研究二則設計一個虛擬購物網站平台,並提供 足量的產品資訊請受測者依照實驗給定之任務,搜尋產品資訊且挑選出最終屬意 的產品,平台會即時記錄受測者的點閱狀況與總搜尋時間,並透過問卷施測衡量 受測者的極大化程度、搜尋時間主觀估計長度、對產品資訊效用的主觀評價、對 搜尋過程的滿意度與產品知覺價值。

本章一開始說明研究一各變數之定義、衡量方法、產品遴選方式等內容,接 著介紹研究二之研究架構、研究二之假說、各變數之定義、衡量與操弄方法與研 究設計內容。

第一節 研究一各變數之定義與衡量


「極大化程度」代表消費者追求最佳選擇的人格特質傾向 (Schwartz et al, 2002)。Schwartz 等人在 2002 年發展出一套用來衡量人們極大化程度的「極大化 量表 (Maximization Scale)」。這套量表原採具 33 道題目的 Likert Type 7 點尺度設 計,各題的內容皆與每個人生活中各式選擇習性有關,例如:「看電視時,我會

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不斷轉台,就算我已打算看某一個節目,我還是會轉來轉去,看看別台還有什麼 其他選擇 (When I watch TV, I channel surf, often scanning through the available options even while attempting to watch one program.)」、「當我在車上聽廣播節目時,

我經常會轉到其他電台,看看是否還有更好的節目,即使我還算滿意我正在聽的 節目 (When I am in the car listening to the radio, I often check other stations to see if something better is playing, even if I’m relatively satisfied with what I’m listening to.)」等,之後經過信度與效度的檢定分析,將原有的題目數量縮減為 17 題,最 後再由 11 位不瞭解量表發展目的的心理系與經濟系學生,評斷此 17 題是否能有 效檢測出個人在極大化程度上的差別,再濃縮修改成 13 題英文版的「極大化量 表 (見表 2-1)」。

Schwartz 等人(2002) 再進行主成分因素分析 (Principal Component Analysis) 從這 13 個題目中萃取出三大因素:

1.因素一:與一般行為有關,共有 6 題,如找工作、聽廣播、收看電視頻道、


2.因素二:與消費行為有關,共 4 題,如購買禮物給朋友、租影片、買衣服,


3.因素三:與個人對一些事物的標準高低有關,共 3 題,如對自己要求甚高、


由於本研究是參考 Schwartz 等人 (2002) 的研究成果,來定義極大化的概念,

國外目前相關議題的研究也多採取此量表做為研究衡量的工具,累積豐富的研究 成果,因此本研究決定參考 Schwartz 等人 (2002) 所設計「極大化量表」,並轉 譯成中文版本,來衡量受測者之極大化程度。


根據 Cacioppo 與 Pettty (1982) 對認知需求所做的定義,認知需求為個人願

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意從事資訊處理活動的傾向。關於認知需求傾向的衡量,本研究主要參考 Cacioppo 等人 (1984) 所發展的認知需求量表 (Need for Cognition Scale),如表 3-1 所示。

表 3-1 英文版「認知需求量表」

No Items

1 I would prefer complex to simple problems.

2 I like to have the responsibility of handling a situation that requires a lot of thinking 3 Thinking is not my idea of fun. (R)

4 I would rather do something that requires little thought than something that is sure to challenge my thinking abilities. (R)

5 I try to anticipate and avoid situations where there is likely chance I will have to think in depth about something. (R)

6 I find satisfaction in deliberating hard and for long hours.

7 I only think as hard as I have to. (R)

8 I prefer to think about small, daily projects to long-term ones. (R) 9 I like tasks that require little thought once I've learned them. (R)

10 The idea of relying on thought to make my way to the top appeals to me.

11 I really enjoy a task that involves coming up with new solutions to problems.

12 Learning new ways to think doesn't excite me very much. (R) 13 I prefer my life to be filled with puzzles that I must solve.

14 The notion of thinking abstractly is appealing to me.

15 I would prefer a task that is intellectual, difficult, and important to one that is somewhat important but does not require much thought.

16 I feel relief rather than satisfaction after completing a task that required a lot of mental effort. (R)

17 It's enough for me that something gets the job done; I don't care how or why it works. (R)

18 1 usually end up deliberating about issues even when they do not affect me personally.

(R): 反向計分

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完美主義的觀念導源於 Alder (1956) 等學者對於個人抱負水準 (Level of Aspiration)、需求成就 (Need for Achievement) 與型 A 行為之概念 (Alder, 1956;

Hollender, 1965)。Hewitt 與 Flett (1991) 認為完美主義傾向除針對個人之外,也 包含人際面向的部份,因此完整的完美主義應包含 (1) 自我導向之完美主義 (Self-Oriented Perfectionism):對自己有極高之標準,並隨時檢視評估自己的行為;

(2) 他人導向之完美主義 (Other-Oriented Perfectionism):對他人的能力有極高的 期望與信念、嚴以待人;(3) 規範導向之完美主義 (Socially-Prescribed


Hewitt 等人 (1991) 隨後發展出具 45 道題目之多構面完美主義量表 (The Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale),如表 3-2 所示。此多構面完美主義量表可 分別衡量受測者在個人導向、他人導向與規範導向三部份的完美主義傾向,透過 主成分因素分析 (Principle Component Factor Analysis) 結果,各構面分別能萃取 一個因子,負荷因子介於 0.38 至 0.66 之間。根據 Schwartz 等人 (2002) 之研究,

極大化程度與自我導向之完美主義呈現顯著正向關係,該研究僅討論極大化程度 與自我導向完美主義之間關係,然本研究認為,由於個人極大化程度會具體展現 在自己日常生活面對各式各樣選擇時的態度上,因此除與自我導向之完美主要有 關外,亦可能也會具體展現於個人對遭周人、事、物之評估標準上,但由於此人 格特質在定義上與社會導向之完美主義傾向之定義差異較大,因此關於研究一極 大化程度與完美主義相關性之探討,本研究僅採用 Hewitt 等人(1991) 發展之多 構面完美主義量表中的自我導向與他人導向完美主義次量表,為衡量受測者完美 主義傾向之工具,並進一步探討此兩項次量表與受測者極大化程度之關聯與差 異。

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表 3-2 英文版「多構面完美主義量表」

Self-Oriented Perfectionism Subscale

No Items

1 When I am working on something, I cannot relax until it is perfect.

2 One of my goals is to be perfect in everything I do.

3 I never aim for perfection in my work.

4 I seldom feel the need to be perfect.

5 I strive to be as perfect as I can be.

6 It is very important that I am perfect in everything I attempt.

7 I strive to be the best at everything I do.

8 I demand nothing less than perfection from myself.

9 It makes me uneasy to see an error in my work.

10 I am perfectionistic in setting my goal.

11 I must work to my full potential at all times.

12 I do not have to be the best at whatever I am doing.

13 I do not have very high goals for myself.

14 I set very high standards for myself.

15 I must always be successful at school or work.

Other-Oriented Perfectionism Subscale

No Items

1 I am not likely to criticize someone for giving up too easily.

2 It is not important that the people I am close to are successful.

3 I seldom criticize my friends for accepting second best.

4 Everything that others do must be of top-notch quality.

5 It doesn’t matter when someone close to me does not do their absolute best.

6 I have high expectations for the people who are important to me.

7 I do not have very high expectations for those around me.

8 I can’t be bothered with people who won’t strive to better themselves.

9 I do not expect a lot from my friends.

10 It I ask someone to do something, I expect it to be done flawlessly.

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表 3-2 英文版「多構面完美主義量表」(續)

11 I cannot stand to see people close to me make mistake.

12 The people who matter to me should never let me down.

13 I respect people who are average.

14 It does not matter to me when a close friend does not try his hardest.

15 I seldom expect others to excel at whatever they do.

Socially-Prescribed Perfectionism

No Items

1 I find it difficult to meet others’ expectations of me.

2 Those around me readily accept that I can make mistake too.

3 The better I do, the better I am expected to do.

4 Anything I do that is less than excellent will be seen as poor work by those around me.

5 The people around me expect me to succeed at everything I do.

6 Others will like me even if I don’t excel at everything.

7 Success means that I work even harder to please others.

8 Others think I am okay, even when I do not succeed.

9 I feel that people are too demanding of me.

10 Although they may not show it, other people get very upset with me when I slip up.

11 My family expects me to be perfect.

12 My parents rarely expected me to excel in all aspects of my life.

13 People expect nothing less than perfection from me.

14 People expect more from me than I am capable of giving.

15 People around me think I am still competent even if I make a mistake.


Antil (1984) 認為涉入度是指個人知覺某事物對個人的重要度,以及在特殊 情境下受刺激所引發的興趣程度。隨著涉入的增加,消費者會產生更多的動機去

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了解與仔細考量,並搜尋有關購買方面的資訊。Zaichkowsky (1985) 進一步針對 產品涉入度之概念加以定義,認為產品涉入度為消費者對產品在自我的需求與價 值上的相關程度。為有效衡量受測者對研究一遴選之施測產品涉入度,本研究參 考 McQuarrie 等人 (1992) 改良 Zaichkowsky (1985) 之涉入度量表設計而得的英 文版「簡易產品涉入度量表 (Revised Product Involvement Inventory, RPII)」

(McQuarrie and Munson, 1992)。此量表採 7 點尺度設計共有 10 題,每題皆由一 組意義相對的形容詞所組成 (如 Important 與 Unimportant;Boring 與 Interesting),

如表 3-3 所示。

表 3-3 英文版「簡易產品涉入度量表」

No Items No Items

1 Important / Unimportant 6 Appealing / Unappealing 2 Boring / Interesting 7 Dull / Neat

3 Irrelevant / Relevant 8 Fun / Not fun

4 Unexciting / Exciting 9 Of no concern / Of concern to me 5 Means a lot to me / Means nothing

to me

10 Not needed / needed