• 沒有找到結果。

第五章 他國保險適合性原則相關規範

第二節 英國法

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第二節 英國法

英國透過其金融服務總署(Financial Service Authority, FSA)327制定業 者應遵守之相關守則,以落實歐盟指令;其中適用於所有金融機構最高指 導原則(High Level Standards)的業務經營原則(Principles for business)第 9 條「


應盡合理注意以確保所提供之建議與決定的適合性。FSA 並認為該原則之 適用不限於有受託關係存在,在顧客對該業者的判斷有正當信賴時,也有 適用328;而所謂正當信賴業者判斷,指如對個人推介或業者作為全權委託 經理人等情形329;FSA 並於 2007 年頒訂「業務進行規則」(Conduct of Business Sourcebook, COBS)與「保險業務進行規則」(Insurance: Conduct of Business Sourcebook, ICOBS);實踐前開歐盟指令,更進一步做具體明確規 範。


第一目 適用範圍

ICOBS 原則上適用於從事非投資型(non-investment)保險契約之保險中 介、履行(effecting and carrying out)契約、或銷售的溝通行為330;但各別條 文則可能依不同公司的類型、行為或設立地、或因條文的特定目的而調整 適用範圍。而所謂之非投資型保險,則包含一般保險(general insurance)331、 單 純 保 障 保 險 (prue protection contract)332與 給 付 保 障 保 險 (payment protection contract)333

327 金融服務總署(Financial Service Authority, FSA)已於 2013 年 4 月改變組織架構,分為金融行 為管理局,以及審慎監督臉局(Prudential Regulation Authority, PRA)。

328 FSA, THE FSA Principles for Business – Response on Consultation Paper 13, at 15 (1999).

329 Ruth Fox (ed.), A Practitioner’s Guide to the FSA Handbook, 5th ed., at 65, 308 (2008).

330 ICOBS 1.1.1

331 詳細細節參照 Article 3(1) of the Regulated Activities Order.

332 指保險金之給付限於死亡或因疾病、傷害所導致之失能,且保險不提供解約的現金價值

(surrender value),亦不適用與轉換(conversion)方式使其超出前述範圍之保險契約,參照 FSA, Glossary Definition, pure protection contract.

333 指保險給付用以確保期能持續對第三人為給付之保險契約,參照 FSA, Glossary Definition, payment protection contract.

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第二目 規範內容

ICOBS 於第 5 條「認定客戶需求及建議(Identifying client needs and advising)」中,將業者的行為區分為「建議銷售(advised sales)」與「非建議銷 售(on-advice sales)」,並區分不同產品性質,而設有不同的規定。

於建議銷售之情形,第 3 項「建議銷售」第 1 款設有適合性規範:業者 對於有權依賴(entitled to rely)其判斷之顧客,應採取合理注意確保其給予 客戶之建議的適合性334;同項第 2、3 款進一步區分保障保險(protection policies)或銀行帳戶組合中的保險(policies included in a packaged bank account),而有不同規定。

於保障保險,業者應:(1)建立客戶要求與需求:公司應以既有之客戶 資訊及進一步自客戶取得之資訊,包含客戶既有之保險相關細節,以建立 之;業者不須考量保單的替代品,亦不須考量與客戶有興趣之保單無關但 是客戶有需求的保單;(2) 採取合理注意確保保單適合客戶要求與需求,


限制(limitations)及條件(conditions);(3)若有任何客戶之要求或需求未能達 成,應告知客戶335

若推介係基於銀行帳戶組合中的保單,則其適合度須考量:(1) 利用 公司已有的資訊及進一步自顧客取得的資訊,建立客戶要求與需求,該資 訊包含已有之保險,其不須考量保單的替代品,亦不須考量與客戶有興趣 之保單無關聯彈客戶有需求的保單;(2)採取合理注意以確保各保單(包含 銀行帳戶組合)是否適合客戶要求與需求,並須考量其保障及成本的等級、

相關除外、過多保障、限制及條件;(3) 若有任何要求或需求未達,應告 知客戶;(4) 向客戶解釋其推介及推介的原因。


334 ICOBS 5.3.1 “A firm must take reasonable care to ensure the suitability of its advice for any customer who is entitled to rely upon its judgment.”

335 ICOBS 5.3.2: “n taking reasonable care to ensure the suitability of advice on a payment protection contract or a pure protection contract a firm should: (1)establish the customer's demands and needs. It should do this using information readily available and accessible to the firm and by obtaining further relevant information from the customer, including details of existing insurance cover; it need not consider alternatives to policies nor customer needs that are not relevant to the type of policy in which the customer is interested; (2) take reasonable care to ensure that a policy is suitable for the customer's demands and needs, taking into account its level of cover and cost, and relevant exclusions, excesses, limitations and conditions; and (3) inform the customer of any demands and needs that are not met.”

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議是基於公正分析時,其必須先就市場上多數保險商品作充分分析,以使 其能根據專業標準推薦與客戶需求相符合之保險商品336;本條即係將歐盟 保險中介人指令之要求轉化為英國之法規範。

而於不存在推介的一般情形,第 1 項通則設有「可主張性(eligibility)」

之要求。如果顧客購買的商品屬於為一般保障保險(general insurance contracts and pure protection contracts ) 或 給 付 保 障 保 險 ( payment protection contracts)之交易,業者應採取合理步驟確保該保單得使客戶於 事故發生時取得保險給付請求權;若安排保險過程中公司發現部分保障有 作用,部分沒有作用,則應通知顧客,使顧客能在受通知後再做出是否購 買的決定;此原則不適用於銀行帳戶組合中的保險安排337;判斷可主張性 之合理步驟應包含確認客戶符合保單各部分所要求的資格338

而於銀行帳戶組合安排中的保險交易,則業者應:(1)採取合理步驟 確保客戶可主張銀行帳戶組合中各張保單的利益;其中必須包含確認客戶 符合各張保單受益的資格要求;(2)通知客戶是否能主張該組合下各張保 單的利益,以使客戶得以作出受告知後之決定。業者並應將可主張性之評 估作成紀錄,若客戶接受業者提議安排的,應保留該資料至少三年339

而保險中介人以及給予客戶建議的保險人,於契約簽訂前,應基於客 戶揭露之資訊,具體說明客戶之要求及需求,如有建議,並須對其推介特 定保單及推介之理由加以說明340;其說明之細節應依照保單複雜程度調整;

保險人並負有提供需求說明書之義務,即對客戶需求之判斷結果,應以適 當之媒介,以書面形式送達客戶,其內容需精確而可理解,且於客戶要求 時,對客戶為口頭說明341。但在未提供個人建議之時,要求與需求之說明 的方式則較有彈性,例如將要求與需求說明作為申請表格的一部分342

336 ICOBS 5.3.3

337 ICOBS 5.1.1 - 2.

338 ICOBS 5.1.3

339 ICOBS 5.1.3A, B

340 ICOBS 5.2.1 - 2.

341 ICOBS 5.2.3

342 ICOBS 5.2.4.

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第二項 COBS

第一目 適用範圍

保險事業之營業行為若非屬 ICOBS 之適用範圍,亦可能有 COBS 之適 用。COBS 主要係就投資商品推介作規範,其適用範圍,包含於英國從事指 定投資業務(designated investment business)或與人壽保險有關的長期保險 事業343;惟此規則可能因不同行為或地點,甚至後續章節特定目的,而修 正其適用範圍344。指定投資業務指金融服務與市場法(The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000)之受監理行為命令第 3 章之證券或以契約為基礎之 投資,除包含股票、債券、選擇權、期貨外,亦包含具有投資性質之保險 (investment-related insurance),而長期照護保險(long-term care insurance contract)定義上可能屬於單純保障保險,但仍被 COBS 歸類為指定投資事業


而 COBS 之適合性規範,適用範圍,又特別限縮於作出與指定投資事 業有關之推介346或投資管理347的公司。

第二目 規範內容

COBS 第 9 條乃適合性原則之專章。首先,COBS9.2.1 要求業者應採合 理步驟確保對客戶所為之個人推介(personal recommend) 或為客戶所做之 投資決策(decision to trade)適合該客戶348;其中個人推介,指對投資或 家庭財務交易之建議(advice),且是被認為適合於該人或以該人之相關資訊 為考量基礎;若該推介僅透過通路或對公眾發行,則非個人推介349


343 COBS 1.1.1

344 COBS 1.1.2 - 3.

345 The Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Regulated Activities) Order 2001 (SI 2001/544), part III.;楊敦元,同註 10,頁 81-82。

346 COBS 9.1(Application and purpose provisions).1: ” This chapter applies to a firm which makes a personal recommendation in relation to a designated investment.”.

347 COBS 9.1.3.: “This chapter applies to a firm which manages investments.”.

348 COBS9.2.1 (1): “A firm must take reasonable steps to ensure that a personal recommendation, or a decision to trade, is suitable for its client”.

349 Commission Directive No. 2006/73/EC, the MiFID implementing Directive, article 52.

firm must obtain the necessary information regarding theclient's: (a) knowledge and experience in the investment field relevant to the specific type of designated investment or service; (b) financial situation; and (c) investment objectives; so as to enable the firm to make the recommendation, or take the decision, which is suitable for him”.

351 COBS 9.2.2 (2): “The information regarding the investment objectives of a client must include, where relevant, information on the length of time for which he wishes to hold the investment, his preferences regarding risk taking, his risk profile, and the purposes of the investment”

352 COBS 9.2.2 (3)

353 COBS 9.2.3

354 COBS 9.2.2 (1): “A firm must obtain from the client such information as is necessary for the firm to understand the essential facts about him and have a reasonable basis for believing, giving due consideration to the nature and extent of the service provided, that the specific transaction to be recommended, or entered into in the course of managing: (a) meets his investment objectives; (b) is such that he is able financially to bear any related investment risks consistent with his investment objectives; and (c) is such that he has the necessary experience and knowledge in order to understand the risks involved in the transaction or in the management of his portfolio”

355 COBS 9.2.5

356 COBS 9.2.4

357 COBS 9.2.6

(investment strategy)決之359

至於其他義務方面,COBS 同時要求投資服務機構於特定場合(如進 特定交易或推介特定商品如終身保單時)應提供適合性報告(suitability report)360,且對適合性之記錄(suitability record)應至少保留一定期間361。 另 外 , 於 COBS 第 10 條 設 有 一 與 適 合 性 概 念 相 近 之 「 妥 適 性 (appropriateness)」規範。其規定業者若為個人推介或管理投資以外之非建 議銷售之行為362,業者應要求客戶提供(ask the client to provide)與該特定商 品或服務相關之投資知識及經驗,以評估該商品或服務對客戶之妥適性363

358 COBS 9.3.1: “(1) A transaction may be unsuitable for a client because of the risks of the designated investments involved, the type of transaction, the characteristics of the order or the frequency of the trading. (2) In the case of managing investments, a transaction might also be unsuitable if it would result in an unsuitable portfolio”

359 COBS 9.3.2

360 COBS 9.4.1 - 2

361 COBS 9.5.2

362 COBS 10.1.1: “This chapter applies to a firm which provides investment services in the course of MiFID or equivalent third country business other than making a personal recommendation and managing investments”.

363 COBS 10.2.1 (1)

364 COBS 10.2.1 (2): ”When assessing appropriateness, a firm: (a) must determine whether the client has the necessary experience and knowledge in order to understand the risks involved in relation to the product or service offered or demanded…”.

365 COBS 10.2.2

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