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The Study of Elementary School Teachers’Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment Related to Their 林麗華、胡瓊元


Academic year: 2022

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The Study of Elementary School Teachers’Perceived Organizational Support and Organizational Commitment Related to Their


E-mail: 374694@mail.dyu.edu.tw


This study uses survey method for data collection, focusing on elementary school teachers ' perception of organizational support and organizational commitment and work burnout. Reference design based on the questionnaires, preparation of elementary school teachers in Taichung City for the study, total of 400 issued questionnaires, recovery and effective questionnaire 374, effective recovery rates of 93.5%. In package SPSS for statistical analysis, research found that: 1. Elementary school teachers ' perceptual organization supporting higher organizational commitment of its higher, a significant to impact. 2. Elementary teachers to higher levels of organizational commitment, able to reduce professional taediumvitae, significant negative impact. 3. Primary school teachers believe that their perceptual organization supporting higher, able to reduce their professional taediumvitae, significant negative impact. 4. Organizational commitment is supported and burnout intermediary variable for perceptual organization.

Keywords : elementary school teachers, perceived organizational support,organizational commitment, burnout, Table of Contents

封面內頁 簽名頁 中文摘要...................... iii 英文摘要..............

........ iv 誌謝........................ v 目錄...............

......... vi 表目錄........................ viii 圖目錄...........

............ x 第一章緒論..................... 1 第一節研究背景及動機...

............ 1 第二節研究目的 ................. 4 第三節研究範圍與限制.....

........ 5 第四節名詞解釋................... 6 第二章文獻探討 ..........

........ 9 第一節知覺組織支持的理論與研究........ 9 第二節組織承諾的理論與研究.......

... 19 第三節職業倦怠之意義、理論與研究....... 34 第四節知覺組織支持、組織承諾與職業倦怠之相關研 究

.................. 46 第三章研究方法 .................. 49 第一節研究架構

................. 49 第二節研究假設 ................. 50 第三節變項的操作性 定義與測量 ......... 52 第四節樣本與資料收集............. 57 第五節資料分析方法 ...

............ 58 第四章研究結果與分析............... 60 第一節 樣本特性分析....

........... 60 第二節 研究構面之樣本特性分析.......... 62 第三節 信度分析.......

......... 67 第四節 相關分析................. 70 第五節 迴歸分析.........

........ 72 第六節 中介分析................. 75 第七節 差異性分析.........

...... 77 第五章結論與建議................... 84 第一節 研究結論與討論.......

........ 84 第二節 管理意涵與研究建議............... 90 第三節 研究限制.......

.......... 93 參考文獻....................... 94 一、中文部分.......

............ 94 二、英文部分...................... 104 附錄問卷.....

................ 110 REFERENCES

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Keywords: Financial and Insurance Industry, Work Motivation, Work Pressure, Job Satisfaction, Organizational

The present study explores the relationship between organizational reward system, job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) and organizational performance to

This study focuses on the need of walking to school for middle-grades students and designs related teaching plans.This study firstly conducts a questionnaire

Regarding Flow Experiences as the effect of mediation, this study explores the effect of Perceived Organizational Support and Well-being on volunteer firemen, taking volunteer

This study aims to explore whether the service quality and customer satisfaction have a positive impact on the organizational performance of the services and whether the

Hence this study uses a systematic method to develop safety evaluation indices and their weights to evaluate the walking environment of way to school for

The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of learning organization culture on teachers’ study and teaching potency in Public Elementary Schools.. The research tool of

The purposes of this research are to find the factors of affecting organizational climate and work stress, to study whether the gender, age, identity, and