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Narcissistic Traits and Facebook Usage of Junior High School Students 謝雨儒、黃德祥


Academic year: 2022

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Narcissistic Traits and Facebook Usage of Junior High School Students 謝雨儒、黃德祥

E-mail: 381877@mail.dyu.edu.tw


The main purposes of this study were to explore the relationships among the narcissistic traits, Facebook usage, and impression of Facebook of junior high school students. The study was conducted through the questionnaire-survey method. Subjects were 403 junior high school students from Taichung City and Nantou County. The collected data underwent descriptive statistics, t-test, two-way analysis of variance, Pearson’s correlation and multiple stepwise regression via the SPSS 12.0. The results of the study were as follows:(a) The extent of Facebook usage of junior high school students was not too high. (b) There were significant differences in the different points of view of the narcissistic traits. (c) Narcissistic traits more associated with Facebook usage in the homeroom teachers’ point of view than the narcissistic traits in the students’ own point of view. (d) Narcissistic traits in the students’ own point of view were not associated with the impression of Facebook, and nor were narcissistic traits in the homeroom teachers’ point of view. The suggestions for homeroom teachers, school counselors, parents and researchers of the future were made according to the resoults of the study.

Keywords : Facebook、Narcissistic traits、Facebook usage、Impression of Facebook Table of Contents

中文摘要...iii 英文摘要...iv 誌謝辭...v 內容目錄...vi 表目

錄...viii 圖目錄...x 第一章 緒論...1 第一節 研究動機...1 第二節 研究 目的...6 第三節 研究問題...7 第四節 研究假設...8 第五節 名詞解釋...9 第六 節 研究範圍與限制...11 第二章 文獻探討...12 第一節 臉書沿革與功能...12 第二節 自戀之理論 基礎與研究...17 第三節 自戀的評量工具...25 第四節 自戀與臉書使用...28 第三章 研究方

法...31 第一節 研究架構...32 第二節 研究對象...34 第三節 研究工具...37 第四 節 資料分析與處理...49 第五節 實施程序...51 第四章 結果與討論...53 第一節 國中學生自戀 特質、臉書使用與臉書印象之現況...53 第二節 國中學生自戀特質、臉書使用與臉書印象之差異分析...63 第三節 國中學生 自戀特質、臉書使用與臉書印象之相關分析...75 第四節 國中學生性別、自戀特質對臉書使用與臉書印象之預測分析...80 第 五章 結論與建議...87 第一節 結論...87 第二節 建議...94 參考文獻...101 附錄A 臉書使用問卷...110 附錄B NPI-16自戀人格量表(生活態度問卷)..113 附錄C 臉書印象評分表...115 REFERENCES

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