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Academic year: 2022

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國立嘉義大學附設實驗國民小學 108 學年度 12 年國教素養導向教學單元設計(參考格式) 12-year Basic Education teaching plan


Domain/ Subject

走讀國際 Foreign Teacher 設計者


Michael Vogel 實施年級班級

grade and class

5B and E 總節數


Thu, 4th, 6th period(s), 1-2 session(s)


Unit title

Who we Are in Place and Time – Learning about the world from Eye Witnesses


Design concept description (eg. main ideas, reasons, or features of designing this lesson plan)

Students have already sent and received video and text questions from grade 5 students in New Jersey, USA and Hungary. They’ve responded to these questions with posters (graphic and textual). They’ve also read replies from Hungary and are waiting for NJ. Now it would be nice for them to send more tangible “Care Packages” to their Epals.


Analysis of Materials (ie. Diverse student needs, diverse student backgrounds)

1. The game, “What’s wrong with this picture?” allows students to interact with pictures, object, and situations from other countries without relying entirely on English.

2. Reused photos (from a previous lesson about Alaska) let all students know which working group then should meet with.

3. Pre-reading questions helps students with limited attention or language ability to participate.

4. The 4x4 chart provides four ways to understand and communicate a single item between these students and their foreign Epals.

5. Requiring each answer on the 4x4 chart in four different ways allows students with different strengths to participate.

核心 素養



(Curriculum guidelines of 12 year basic education, p.


總綱 Core

competency item


Content of core competency

呼應核心素養之教學重 點

Relevant activities (refrence procedures on next page)



A2 Logical thinking and problem solving.

A3 Planning, execution, innovation, and adaption.

B1 Semiotics and


B3 Artistic appreciation and aesthetic literacy.


Interpersonal relationships and teamwork C3 Cultural and global understanding.

E-A2 Possess the contemplative ability to explore problems, and through experience and practice, solve problems in daily life.

E-A3 Possess the ability to devise and execute plans, handling various daily life scenarios through creative thinking.

E-B1 Possess the basic language competencies (i.e., listening, speaking, reading, writing, and composition) and knowledge of using basic mathematical, scientific, body, and art symbols

necessary in everyday life. Be empathetic for others during interpersonal


E-B3 Possess the basic competencies of artistic creation and appreciation, promote multisensory development, and cultivate aesthetic experiences in daily life.

E-C2 Possess the ability to understand the feelings of others and show willingness to interact with others and cooperate with group members.

E-C3 Possess the competency to understand and care about local and international affairs, and recognize and tolerate diversity among cultures.

A2 “What’s wrong with this picture?” game

A3 Create item labels (4x4 chart)

B1 Choosing care pack items. Label care package items in 4 ways for 4 purposes.

C2 Collaborating to play a game and create a care package.

B3 Drawing items on care package labels

C3 Photos from “What’s wrong with this picture?”

學習 重點

Learning focus


Learning performance

Listening, speaking, reading, writing, content, integrated performance.

Speaking: Students must convey the meaning of a picture verbally.

Listening: Students must discuss how best to “spell out” Chinese words for English-speakers.

Reading: All instructions are first given in written English.

Writing: Students must name and describe their care package items in English.




Learning contents

Language knowledge, communication, culture, thinking

1. The game, “What’s wrong with this picture?” takes a critical look at some strange aspects of life in the USA.

2. The care package ideas encourage students to view aspects of their own life and culture critically. They may include items that they appreciate or items that their Epals may find strange.

議題 融入

Current events and issues


content (circle)

Home ec., environmental ecol., ocean, human rights, gender equality, energy, aboriginal studies, ethics/morals, human life cycle, law, tech., info. literacy, safety, natural disasters, career, multicultural ed., reading comp., outdoor ed., international ed,

所 融 入 之 學 習重點

Lesson items

1. Game: “What’s wrong with this picture?”

2. 4x4 chart label


Integrate with other subjects

“What’s wrong with this picture?” briefly touches on mathematics (sales tax, tipping) and nutrition (habitual unhealthy breakfast cereal). Care package labels require students to draw the item (art).


Teaching material, resources

PPT: Photos of strange artifacts from the USA. Care package instructions.


Teaching tools, props

Writing notebooks, projector, A4 paper, Unit 2 PPT.

學習目標 learning objectives

1. Students will be able to (SWBAT) use careful observation to find strange elements in otherwise ordinary pictures.

2. SWBAT use previously learned English and background knowledge to answer questions (e.g.

“What is this? Where is this photo from? What’s wrong?

3. SWBAT identify small, inexpensive items of cultural communicative significance.

4. SWBAT use four ways to explain the items they’ve chosen (Chinese, phonetic spelling, English nouns/adjectives, and pictures).

5. SWBAT use previously learned English phonics to approximate Chinese pronunciation.

教學活動設計 teaching procedures 教學活動內容及實施方式

Teaching activities and methods

時 間


備註 assessment 1. Routine Procedures:

a. Review management, rules, time/date/weather, self-study log,

2. Presentation:

10 minutes


Get points for answering questions.

4x4 item chart of care



a. Show photos of culturally problematic items.

b. Briefly tell what each is without giving away the problem.

3. Practice:

a. Students play “What’s wrong with this picture?”

b. Discuss and answer the questions about each photo.

4. Production:

a. Show students how to make the 4x4 item chart for the class care package.

b. In writing groups, students create labels for the care package items they will bring.


10-15 minutes

10-15 minutes

package labels


Reflections, observors’ feedback, learners’ feedback (optional)


Appendix (optional)

Attach copies of printable materials below




參觀回校後,請學生兩兩一組,用三感(眼 睛看、鼻子聞、手觸摸) 討論、紀錄並說 出觀察營林俱樂部的地理位置及特徵,同 時提醒聆聽發表者的內容及意見,發表自 己贊同與否,並說出理由,增進生活-E-B1

實施年級 一年級 總節數 共 1 節,40 分鐘 單元名稱

音樂賞析 Staff(staff notation)五線譜、measure 小節、note 音符、beats 節拍、major 大調、minor 小調、treble clef 高音譜記號、bass clef 低音譜記號. The music makes



教師總結:乘法的規律在正方形的百數表中,呈 現出整齊的分布,將乘法的數字規律呈現在圖

實施年級 六年級 總節數 共 14 節,540 分鐘 單元名稱 運算思維 -