• 沒有找到結果。

附錄三 英國建築物無障礙相關法令規定

附錄三 英國建築物無障礙相關法令規定

附錄 3.1 英國反障礙歧視法概要 Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

英國在 1995 年頒布「反障礙歧視法」(DDA),並在 2005 年修正及擴充該法之涵 蓋範圍,以期障礙者可受到更公平之待遇。簡要敘明 1995 年之規定重點,及 2005 年 之修正重點如下:

一、1995 年反障礙歧視法


1. 工作權 2. 受教權

3. 接受服務及享用福利及設施之權利 4. 租購不動產之權利

5. 規定政府可據以訂定公共交通可提供障礙者使用之最低標準。

二、2005 年反障礙歧視法修正重點

2005 年 4 月國會通過修正及擴充 1995 年之反歧視法,重點包括:

1. 公共交通之操作人員不得歧視障礙者 2. 促使障礙者較易租用及改善房屋

3. 25 人以上之俱樂部不得因障礙之影響而無法參加。


The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA 1995)

The Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1995 aims to end the discrimination which many disabled people face. This Act gives disabled people rights in the areas of:



access to goods, facilities and services

buying or renting land or property

The Act also allows the government to set minimum standards so that disabled people can use public transport easily.

Definition of disability under the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA)

Disability Discrimination Act (full) (external link) The Disability Discrimination Act 2005 (DDA 2005)

In April 2005, a new Disability Discrimination Act was passed by Parliament which amends or extends existing provisions in the DDA 1995, including:

making it unlawful for operators of transport vehicles to discriminate against disabled people

making it easier for disabled people to rent property and for tenants to make disability-related adaptations

making sure that private clubs with 25 or more members cannot keep disabled people out, just because they have a disability

extending protection to cover people who have HIV infection, cancer and multiple sclerosis from the moment they are diagnosed

ensuring that discrimination law covers all the activities of the public sector

requiring public bodies to promote equality of opportunity for disabled people

Some of the new laws will come into force in December 2005, and some in December 2006. The Disability Rights Commission (DRC) website has more details.

附錄三 英國相關規定

附錄 3.2 英國新建築物無障礙相關法令規定 建築規則相關條文

2000 年 9 月 22 日國會通過 2001 年 1 月 1 日開始執行

1. 公共建築物定義





但是建築物或其部分做為商店、倉庫或居住使用,雖公眾偶而會進入使用,並不 視為公共建築物。

2. 建築工程之意義







建築材料變更,在防火及逃生避難、無障礙環境部分,在原來符合規定者,變 更後仍須符合規定,原來不符規定者,變更後不得較原來差。

3. 建築工程相關規定 建築工程之執行必須


(2)建築增建、材料變更,或設備之增設或擴充,完成後之建築物必須符合本規則 附件一之規定,或至少不得較原來更差。


A :結構 M:無障礙設計規範

B 1:警示及逃生避難 B 3:防止建築物內部延燒 B 4:防止建築物外部延燒 B 5:建築物消防設施


Building Regulation Definitions

1 . Meaning of public building

In these Regulations "public building" means a building consisting of or containing -

(a) a theatre, public library, hall or other place of public resort;

(b) a school or other educational establishment not exempted from the operation of building regulations by virtue of section 4(1)(a) of the Act; or

(c) a place of public worship;

but a building is not to be treated as a place of public resort because it is, or it contains, a shop, storehouse or warehouse, or is a dwelling to which members of the public are occasionally admitted.

2. Meaning of building work

In these Regulations "building work" means - (a) the erection or extension of a building;

(b) the provision or extension of a controlled service or fitting in or in connection with a building;

(c) the material alteration of a building, or a controlled service or fitting, as mentioned in paragraph (2);

(d) work required by regulation 6 (requirements relating to material change of use);

(e) the insertion of insulating material into the cavity wall of a building;

(f) work involving the underpinning of a building.

(2) An alteration is material for the purposes of these Regulations if the work, or any part of it, would at any stage result -

(a) in a building or controlled service or fitting not complying with a relevant requirement where previously it did; or

(b) in a building or controlled service or fitting which before the work commenced did not comply with a relevant requirement, being more unsatisfactory in relation to such a requirement.

附錄三 英國相關規定

(3) In paragraph (2) "relevant requirement" means any of the following applicable

3.requirements of Schedule 1, namely - Part A (structure)

paragraph B1 (means of warning and escape) paragraph B3 (internal fire spread - structure) paragraph B4 (external fire spread)

paragraph B5 (access and facilities for the fire service) Part M (access and facilities for disabled people).

4.Requirements relating to building work

(1) Building work shall be carried out so that -

(a) it complies with the applicable requirements contained in Schedule 1; and (b) in complying with any such requirement there is no failure to comply with any other such requirement.

(2) Building work shall be carried out so that, after it has been completed - (a) any building which is extended or to which a material alteration is made;


(b) any building in, or in connection with, which a controlled service or fitting is provided, extended or materially altered; or

(c) any controlled service or fitting,

complies with the applicable requirements of Schedule 1 or, where it did not comply with any such requirement, is no more unsatisfactory in relation to that requirement than before the work was carried out.


附錄 3.3 英國既有建築物合理調整之相關規定及作法

英國在 2008 年 4 月開始推動合理調整政策,並由司法委員會﹙Juridical Appointments Commission, JAC﹚負責。

委員會除擔負追求一般及特殊障礙者平等權利之責任外,亦了解 2005 年反障礙 歧視法﹙DDA﹚所訂定之「鼓勵障礙者參與公共生活」之重要。為達到前述法令規定,


1. 在任何申請與選拔過程,障礙者皆不會因障礙受到歧視

2. 應徵者明確知道依據「2008 年合理調整政策」﹙Reasonable Adjustment Policy April 2008﹚其有免予被歧視及要求合理改善之權利

3. 所有申請及選拔過程中,要求合理調整處皆已確認並做調整。

4. 選拔標準未包括「合理調整政策」中所明列之「不合法地歧視」。

所謂「合理調整」﹙Reasonable Adjustment﹚,司法委員會﹙以下簡稱委員會﹚

會考慮在選拔安排與實質環境﹙physical features﹚是否有不利於障礙者之處,如 有不當,委員會將會考慮任何合理調整以克服該不利之處,在處理過程中,委員會將 透過「人權平等委員會」﹙Equality and Human Rights Commission﹚給予法令指導。


1. 是否有效之作法可克服該不利之處;

2. 此項調整是否會對其他應徵者造成衝擊;

3. 調整所需經費是否合理或在可負擔範圍;

4. 是否可獲得資源、財源或其他輔助進行此調整。



1. 修正申請表

2. 修正測試環境﹙包括如有需要得延長測試時間﹚

3. 電子申請表﹙或其他方式﹚

4. 提供停車空間

5. 確保輪椅乘坐者可進入面試及參與所有測試 6. 應徵之各項資料具不同之形式﹙如點字﹚


附錄 4 美國相關法令